Canstruction is an international charity of the design and construction industry in which architects, designers, and builders in cities across the country compete in a design-build competition to create giant works of sculptural art made entirely out of canned and packaged foods.
On the Sunday evening of Father’s Day, A-1 Moving and Storage provided two trucks and crews to assist with the “deCANstruction” and transportation of the canned and packaged foods. “We were happy to assist and had no trouble getting two crews to sign up, even on this special day,” said Andy Newitt, director of business development for A-1. “With the help of Russel, Mike and Stacy we were able to load the trucks with over 30 pallets of food, and deliver them to the Palm Beach County Food Bank right away.” Special thanks to Madison construction for their special assistance. “With the help of the A-1 Moving team the process was so much more efficient this year and we really appreciate the support,” said Perry Borman, executive director of the Palm Beach County Food Bank.
This year’s event featured six large-scale sculptures made from non-perishable food illustrating the theme CANnes International Film Festival. “Canstruction is a unique community event that provides a creative way to bring to the attention of the public the issue of hunger in our community,” said Mr. Borman. “We are grateful to have The Gardens Mall as our host again this year and appreciate the support of our committee members, teams and sponsors. This large donation of food comes at a time of year when we are especially in need of food since children are out of school and many do not have access to school provided meals.”
About the Palm Beach County Food Bank
The Palm Beach County Food Bank ( plays a critical role in the food security network in Palm Beach County by collecting and distributing food to more than 105 agencies on the front line of hunger relief in our community, serving nearly 200,000 residents. More than 57 percent of all local school students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch program. Programs also include Nutrition Driven, bringing nutrition information and food prep demonstrations to areas of need, and the Summer Weekend Nutrition Program, providing backpacks of nutritious food for families.